In-depth into the E-commerce 2025, hot online market competition
In 2025, the Thai e-commerce market will experience significant change due to the increasing number of consumers’ online shopping habits. This will force businesses to adjust to online channels to compete and maintain their customer base. If anyone cannot catch up with the trend, they may miss out on important business opportunities. With the convenience of shopping at their fingertips, consumers may prefer to shop online more.
The ‘ You Fight, We Help ‘ Household Debt Program began its registration on December 12, 2024.
“You Fight, We Help”, a project to resolve 2.1 million retail accounts with 1.9 million debtors with a total debt of approximately 890 billion baht, has been approved by the Cabinet to help small and medium-sized debtors, vulnerable debtors of financial institutions under the cooperation of the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Thailand, the NESDC and related agencies.
Update 10 Hot Fashion Items of 2024 to match your every look
Throughout 2024, there are a variety of styles of dress that people like to wear and look for. ACU PAY would like to recommend 10 styles of dress that you can enjoy trendy fashion. It is popular in 2024 to introduce both men and women. The dressing will be no longer boring and will have more gimmicks and charms.