
How much tax to pay for a ‘Gratuitous Gift’?

Did you know that you have to pay tax on lands, cash, cars, and accessories given by our parents or lover which is called a ‘Gift Tax’? ACU PAY will conclude the details of this tax for you to understand easily.

Why aren’t there any savings!? Ways to restrain oneself from wasting money

Are you dealing with the problem of working for some time but still do not have any savings? What to do!? This time, ACU PAY will introduce working people to ways to restrain oneself from wasting money. Some of them are small matters that you have overlooked. If you can follow these ways, you will have your money savings for sure.

Financial Mistakes that Couples should be careful

For a couple, besides love, money is just as important, but most couples think that talking about money is not necessary. Did you know that not talking about money at all can lead to a big fight? This time, ACU PAY gathers the financial mistakes that many couples may be having. Let’s check how much you and your spouse are planning about finances.

6 Techniques to clear credit card debts more quickly

“Credit Card” is something that people give priority to in the cashless society era because every time we use credit cards to purchase goods or services, the financial institutions will pay for us, giving us liquidity in the month that we purchased goods and services. However, if you are careless, this convenience can cause you a large amount of debt.

Rare Credit Cards for Billionaires only

Office workers or middle-class people like us may have credit cards to pay for goods in installments, but how many people have credit cards not for promotions or discounts but to receive exclusive services special for credit card holders only?

Personal Income Tax Calculation Programs

Raise your hands if you have not filed your Income Tax of 2023 yet. For those who still do not know until when we can file taxes, tax filing can be done in 2 ways; paper filing and online filing. The deadline for paper filing is 30 March 2024, and the deadline for online filing is 8 April 2024.

Do not forget to use house interest for Tax Allowance

Those who purchase a condo, a townhome, a house with land, or have their own residence, did you know that the interest on loan to buy the residence can be used for tax allowance on Personal Income Tax? ACU PAY will explain the details about this for you.

Try to understand Passive Income and Active Income

Due to the fluctuating economic era, the way of generating income or earning income has to change. There are 2 ideas to generate income which are Active Income and Passive Income. Have you ever wondered what are the differences between Active and Passive Income, and which one is the best? This time, ACU PAY will take you to find out the answer to these questions!

What is a ‘Carbon Credit’? Why is it so interesting to invest in?

The main cause of global warming is known to be greenhouse gasses, which are mainly from wood burning, and deforestation fuel burning. There are a lot of various industrial plants such as Deforestation. However, did you know that large industries are also helping the world with what’s called ‘carbon credit’? What is this? and How is it so important? ACU PAY will explain to you.

Money Dysmorphia, a saving behavior till stress out

Is there anyone who is dealing with the problem of savings? You may try so hard on savings but suddenly you feel that your savings isn’t enough and want to save more, but you do not want to use your savings when you have to use them. It might be a sign of “Money Dysmorphia” or “A saving behavior till stress out” How does this financial point of view affect us? ACU PAY will explain it to you.