5 Digital Deposit Accounts of 2024

At present, the savings deposit interest gives a relatively low return and is not worthwhile compared to higher inflation. Today, ACU PAY would like to recommend digital deposits which you can receive higher interest than savings deposits.
5 ways to start financial planning

Most people do not plan their finances since they view financial planning as something complicated. Some say they would like to start planning their finances but do not know where to start. Today, ACU PAY would like to present 5 ways to have a better financial plan.
Did you know how many types of Extroverts there are?

You may have heard of the word Extrovert quite often, right? Extrovert is one of the personality theories by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, consisting of introvert, extrovert, and ambivert.
In this article, ACU PAY will look from the Extrovert perspective to see what extrovert is and how many types there are.