Get to know Informal Debt

Informal loans are loans that do not go through the financial institution system. Simply said they are not loaned to banks or through financial institutions directly. It’s easy to take out informal loans, but the risks are much greater than we thought, like collecting interest at a higher price than usual.
5 Influencers providing financial/investment knowledge

We are in an era where investment is something that you can learn by yourself, you don’t have to take an investment course or read it in a book like in the old days. There are a lot of YouTube channels that teach us about investment in a short video that novice investors can learn by themselves. Let’s see what invest-related YouTube channels there are.
What to do if you cannot pay Condo Installments anymore?

These days, with rising costs of living and relatively high interest rates in Thailand, many Thais are now increasingly in debt, especially housing loans, which require up to 30 years of installment, also monthly installments continue to rise, and money paid for the installment does not much reduce the principal. Today, ACU PAY will guide the way for those who cannot pay for condo installments anymore, whether you buy to live or rent out.