The origin of May Day, an International Labor Day

May 1 every year is a public holiday where employees in many countries take a break called May Day to commemorate the importance of the working class as a driving force behind the economy. This time, ACU PAY will take everyone to know the history of this day.
Get to know “Paper Company” A Tax Avoidance Technique for Businessman

Currently, there are many loopholes to avoid tax. Paper Company is another loophole that businessmen use as a means of tax avoidance. What is a Paper Company? ACU PAY will take you to find out about this together.
Get to know Safe Haven

Undeniably, the current economy is quite volatile in cryptocurrency exchanges, so investors have begun to seek risk insurance, such as low-risk or low-volatile investments called Safe Haven. Today, ACU PAY will tell you what Safe Haven are there for investors.