
Why is the Petrol in Thailand expensive?

The price of retail petrol in Thailand on 11 April 2024, diesel prices have passed over 30.44 baht/liter, benzene is 47.84 baht/liter, and gasohol 95 is 39.95 baht/liter, which is likely to increase further.

YouTube Channel Coordinates that good for sleeping

Have you ever experienced this; being sleepy during the day but cannot sleep at night? cannot sleep tight? or sleep uncomfortably? Today, ACU PAY gathers YouTube Channels that are good for your sleeping. It will relax you to make you fall asleep easier for those who have trouble sleeping. Let’s see what channels there are.

Get to know Buffet Indicator, warning U.S. stocks to risk bubble crisis

Have you ever heard about “Economy Bubble”? This word is like a nightmare for any investors who have ever heard it. Therefore, investors need to have a tool to view the overall stock market. The popular tool is the “Buffet Indicator.” Let ACU PAY tell you what the Buffet Indicator is!