The NESDB monitors after the number of unemployed for more than a year reached 16.2 %, making it harder for new graduates to find jobs

The NESDB revealed that in Q3/2024, the number of unemployment increased by 16.2%, three-quarters of which were aged 20-29, making it harder for new graduates to find jobs even with a bachelor’s degree, while agricultural labor declined by 3.4%, due to natural disasters.
How many Digital Wallet types are there? How to store information to be safe?

Digital Wallet is divided into subcategories to cover its use. If we understand the term digital wallet, we can categorize them into the right usage and be very safe with our work. So, how many categories of digital can we divide? Today, ACU PAY will explain it to you.
Have you ever wondered why ‘coffee’ in Thailand is expensive?

Today, “coffee” has become the fifth factor for many people, especially in Thailand, where the popularity of drinking coffee continues to increase, but the price of coffee in our home has risen dramatically, causing many to wonder; Why do Thais have to pay a high price for coffee despite the widespread domestic coffee plantations?