Do not forget to use house interest for Tax Allowance
Those who purchase a condo, a townhome, a house with land, or have their own residence, did you know that the interest on loan to buy the residence can be used for tax allowance on Personal Income Tax? ACU PAY will explain the details about this for you.
Try to understand Passive Income and Active Income
Due to the fluctuating economic era, the way of generating income or earning income has to change. There are 2 ideas to generate income which are Active Income and Passive Income. Have you ever wondered what are the differences between Active and Passive Income, and which one is the best? This time, ACU PAY will take you to find out the answer to these questions!
What is a ‘Carbon Credit’? Why is it so interesting to invest in?
The main cause of global warming is known to be greenhouse gasses, which are mainly from wood burning, and deforestation fuel burning. There are a lot of various industrial plants such as Deforestation. However, did you know that large industries are also helping the world with what’s called ‘carbon credit’? What is this? and How is it so important? ACU PAY will explain to you.