Differences between Flat interest Vs Effective Interest that you should know before borrowing

For anyone who is looking to apply for a home loan, automobile loan, or condo loan but still do not understand the differences between Flat interest and Effective Interest or wonder which one of them suits you better, read this article and you will understand more about those two types of interest.
‘Coinbase’ has received a full-scale payment license from the Singapore National Bank

It is undeniable that recent investments like Cryptocurrency are gaining huge popularity. Currently, Singapore, Asia’s leading technology hub, has granted Coinbase, which is a Cryptocurrency trading platform, to be used for payment on a full scale.
Gold Saving, a new alternative of investment

If you think about an asset that no matter how volatile it is, there is no effect on its value and the price continues to rise, you may think of nothing but gold. Therefore many people choose to invest in gold, but it is quite hard for us to purchase gold at once due to its high price. Nowadays, there is an alternative investment called Gold Saving which you can trade easily via your smartphone. Why is Gold Saving good? ACU PAY will explain it to you.