Baht Depreciation Vs Baht Appreciation, how do they affect the economy?

Did you know that apart from effects on our money, the baht depreciation and baht appreciation also affect the economy outside the country whether importation – exportation of goods or services? This time ACU PAY will tell you about what baht depreciation and appreciation are, what are the causes of them and what effect do they have on.
Recommended Travel Card, travel lovers should not miss it!

For travelers who are looking for spending that suits their lifestyle, there is no need to waste time waiting for a good exchange of currency. Simply having a Travel Card meets the convenience of a cashless society.
12 Truths about Finance and Life that are often ignored

Some knowledge and education are not limited to classrooms only, and some life experiences have never been taught in classrooms either. This time, ACU PAY brought an article from Morgan Housel, the author of “The Psychology of Money.” for you. Housel noticed and came up with ideas from business and investment that no one else had taught us in school unless we learned to experience it ourselves.