(Not) Secret Code; Meaning of numbers in Chinese
There are a variety of communication forms in many languages. Some forms or languages are specifically used in a certain group and some languages are not widespreadly used yet. Today, ACU PAY will introduce you to a numerical language of the Chinese that can be used to express important meanings such as ‘I love you’, ‘Let’s break up’, or ‘Good bye’. It is very famous among Chinese teenagers. If you are ready, let’s go!
Mala Hotpot Restaurants can be seen from everywhere we have been to. It can be called that this is the Mala era. However, no matter what restaurants we have been to, there will always be something in common which are the 3 famous canned beverages; Wang Lao Ji, Donggua Cha, and Wang Zi Milk. Did you know about the origin of these 3 canned drinks and why they became popular drinks in Mala Hotpot Restaurants? Let’s find out.
The reason why there is no Vegetarian Festival in China
Have you ever wondered why ‘Vegetarian Festival’ is not held greatly in China? Chinese people may be confused when we ask them this question because they don’t even know what the Vegetarian Festival is! Doesn’t the name of the festival and the menu have Chinese origins? Today, ACU PAY will solve this doubt and find out why Thailand has this festival and why China does not have this festival.