
“Blacklist” What is it and why is it important when you do a loan?

Credit Bureau Blacklist checking is the first step in doing a loan to check the power to pay off of the borrower whether it is a loan for house or car installment. Today. ACU will inform you about what Blacklist is. Especially salarymen who do not want to lose a chance when it comes to […]

How will the LTV Measure be in 2023?

Who wants to get a loan to buy a second house should read this content. Starting on 1 January 2023, Bank of Thailand or BOT will bring back the LTV measure to supervise a mortgage loan and a mortgage-related loan again after unlocking it for 2 years. For those who have no idea what LTV […]

Calculate expenses before doing “Refinance”

People who pay for house or car installment might be familiar with Refinance. For those who have never heard about refinance and are still considering refinance should not miss this article. Refinance is to loan a sum of money with different pay conditions and interest rates. We will talk about what refinance is, how good […]