Why planting trees on empty land can evade tax?

Have you ever noticed when you walk past a commercial building and see an empty land, there are often banana trees or trees planted lined up strangely? It does not happen in one place but MOST of the empty lands look like this. Why do they have to plan trees like that? Is there any reason behind this? Today, ACU PAY will tell you about it.
Tips to life and financial planning with “The Jar of Life”

Planning for life and finances is like having a GPS to guide your way and keep you from losing the way. It helps you in prioritizing things in your life about which one should be done first so that you won’t waste your time and be disappointed in losing the way. Today, ACU PAY will introduce you to the secret of financial planning, which is ‘The Jar of Life’
8 types of mutual funds that novice investors should know

If you do not have time to follow the market trend, have no experience, have a small amount of principal, a mutual fund is one of the interesting options for you to invest. Follow ACu PAY if you would like to know how many types of mutual funds are there so that you can choose the right mutual fund that suits you.