
Buying a house Vs Renting a house, which one is better?

Is there anybody who is thinking about having a house? Have you decided what to choose yet between buying a house and renting a house? Some might say that buying a house is better but some may say buying a house uses a lot of money and has a big burden of house loan, so they think renting a house is better. Which one is better for you to choose? Today, ACU PAY will take you to know which one is better for you between buying a house and renting a house.

5 Things to know before purchasing the first car

“The first car” is something that many may dream of because a car can facilitate us in traveling and it is also an asset that can show our social status. However, before paying an installment or purchasing a car, we should study the details and question ourselves thoroughly first. This time, ACU PAY will take […]

Muteluh tour, new way to stimulate Thai tourism

When talking about tourist attractions in Thailand, apart from beautiful natural attractions such as seas, mountains, or night markets, another important thing that drives Thai tourism for more than 10 years and continues to increase is faith tourism where tourists go to pray in respect to many famous places. This time, ACU PAY will take you to delve into the reason why muteluh tourism has become a secret weapon in Thai tourism.

Baht Depreciation Vs Baht Appreciation, how do they affect the economy?

Did you know that apart from effects on our money, the baht depreciation and baht appreciation also affect the economy outside the country whether importation – exportation of goods or services? This time ACU PAY will tell you about what baht depreciation and appreciation are, what are the causes of them and what effect do they have on.

Time management techniques in Bill Gates style

Bill Gates, a Microsoft Co-Founder and kind billionaire, is not only a legend in technology but also has brilliant time management skills. Even though his life is growing by leaps and bounds, he also has the skills to prioritize tasks to maximize efficiency. This time management skill is undoubtedly a part of Bill Gates’ success. Today, ACU PAY will take you guys to delve into the behind the time management techniques of Bill Gates.