
Why has the Dragon become China’s auspicious animal?

“Dragon” is a mythical creature and lives with the beliefs of a group of people in East Asian territories, which will vary from region to region. Nevertheless, the most famous belief of Dragon that we cannot miss to talk about is the Dragon belief in China. Today, ACU PAY will solve the question why the “Dragon” has become China’s auspicious animal and the symbol of power in China.

‘Winter Solstice Festival’ A Chinese festival that few people know

Talking about Chinese festivals, many of you may have never heard of the festival which is held at the end of the year called “Winter Solstice Festival” or a festival in which people pay respect to god by offering Glutinous Rice Balls (Bua Loi). You may wonder why Bua Loi, a Thai dessert, became a part of Chinese festivals and why Chinese people have to offer Bua Loi as a sacrifice to god. Today, ACU PAY will introduce this festival to you, let’s start!

Get to know ‘Winter Solstice’

Today, ACU PAY will take everyone to know about the “Winter Solstice”! Is there anybody who knows what Winter Solstice is? What is the origin of it? Let’s get to know more about it together.

Baking soda, an item that you should have at home

When it comes to baking soda, many of you may think of muffins, or cookies which are freshly baked with a good smell because baking soda is an ingredient used to make Western food and pastries. However, did you know that baking soda isn’t just useful for cooking, but there are many other benefits that many people may not expect? What is baking soda? How is it so useful? Let’s take a look at it together!