
8 June – World Ocean Day

As we all know the size of water and ocean floor is much bigger than the size of land because 71% is water area and the other 29% is land. In the ocean and sea, so many creatures living in it that we cannot completely explore all of them. Since the sea is an important natural resource, 8 June is founded to be World Ocean Day to make people more aware of the importance of the sea and help preserve it.

5 Popular Art Toys of POP MART

The trend of Art Toys is very popular at the moment. As well known as POP MART has expanded its investment in Southeast Asia, making Thailand has two POP MART branches. POP MART will collect works of unique artists from various countries to produce works to be unique by random. Today, ACU PAY will introduce 5 popular Art Toys of POP MART to you.

Why do Chinese people love drinking tea?

Speaking of drinking tea, many people may think of Chinese people who prefer drinking hot tea to cold water. Some tourists may wonder why ice is so hard to find when they visit China. Today, we are going to find out why Chinese people love to drink hot tea.

Get to know Informal Debt

Informal loans are loans that do not go through the financial institution system. Simply said they are not loaned to banks or through financial institutions directly. It’s easy to take out informal loans, but the risks are much greater than we thought, like collecting interest at a higher price than usual.

5 Influencers providing financial/investment knowledge

We are in an era where investment is something that you can learn by yourself, you don’t have to take an investment course or read it in a book like in the old days. There are a lot of YouTube channels that teach us about investment in a short video that novice investors can learn by themselves. Let’s see what invest-related YouTube channels there are.