How to prevent receiving counterfeit money or fake slips.
It is a problem that stores or even users like us sometimes unknowingly receive counterfeit money or banknotes. To prevent these problems, let’s look at how to prevent them.
What is ZEPETO?
ZEPETO is a 3D virtual character creation application that can replicate users through super cute and realistic cartoon graphics and is a chat application in itself. It is an application produced and developed by Snow Corporation, a subsidiary of Naver Corporation in South Korea. same owner as the ‘SNOW’ app.
What is GDP and how does it affect the stock market? How is GDP related to us?
Are you familiar with the word GDP? When we listen to economic news or read articles related to investments, we often hear the word GDP on a regular basis, so let’s simply summarize: what is GDP? And how is it related to investment or related to us?