
4 How to Use Bonus Money to be Worth for a Salarymen

Every salaryman is looking forward to monthly salary and bonus money. However, you should consider carefully before using the bonus about what you will spend on, how important it is, and the debt in which part that is waiting for you in the future. Today, ACU PAY would like to share 4 ways to use the bonus money to be worth the fullest extent without regretting it later.


1. Close your debt

Some people may use the earned bonus money to pay off some debts, but let’s split some of the bonuses to manage the debt so that the money can be used for other purposes. It is fine if the amount of divided money is not enough for the debt. Let’s arrange the following repayment sequence such as mortgage, car installment, loan, or credit card debt with high interest.

2. For savings

Saving techniques also need to look for good tools like revenue and expenditure records. Currently, there are a variety of income and expense applications available for download, which allow us to analyze and plan our spending to reduce or cut down to make more savings available as an emergency reserve or to increase liquidity.

3. Invest for the future

After deducting expenses, if the bonus money remains much enough, it will be necessary to be used in investing. The choice of investment assets depends on the objectives and goals of the investment. For example, if you want to spend money on daily life, you should invest in low-risk, high-liquid assets such as deposits, mutual funds, short-term fixed-income funds, etc.

4. Reward yourself

Everyone wants to be rewarded. As well as wage earners who have worked hard every month all year, rewarding themselves is a very good thing to do, not only for relieving stress but also for encouraging themselves to spend money on dream projects such as redecorating and buying luxury items. For some people, there may be travel programs in new places to fulfill their mental powers, such as eating, traveling, and buying what they want.

For those who are about to receive bonuses or salaries, be sure to pay attention to the allocation of bonuses because this lump sum is not received every month. It can also be applied to salary allocation. We should consider whether it’s appropriate to buy them or if it is worth it or not. These ideas that are offered by ACU PAY are definitely going to help you make decisions and save more money.

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ACU PAY Thailand


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