Negative thinking greatly affects mood and mental state, making us anxious, sad, and unhappy. Today, ACU PAY would like to share ways to deal with negative thinking for us to be more happy.
Sometimes people waste their time diving in their negative thoughts that discourage themselves or some people are still stuck with their bad past events or having bad thoughts about the future. However, being stuck with those negative thoughts will drag themselves away from happiness and exhaust themselves. Although you cannot restore the time you’ve wasted, it is not too late to try out these methods to deal with negative thoughts.
The human mind is much smarter than you think. It can distinguish between truth and illusion, which is the cause of negative thinking. Just know and deal with it. When you are immersed in feelings, try to pull yourself or consider your thoughts, and think carefully about whether it is good or it is appropriate to do or not. THen, you will eventually stop thinking negatively.
Judging is normal for humans. We judge ourselves and judge others all the time without knowing it. We compare ourselves with others which results in negative emotions. We may think or think on behalf of others, and we will think that others are happier, have a better life than ourselves, etc.
How to not suffer from judgment or comparison can be done by following your thoughts and being aware of them. Whenever you see negative thoughts, just follow them and let them go. Whenever you begin to judge others, or yourself negatively, let’s replace those bad thoughts with positives, and try looking at the advantages of that.
When you feel overwhelmed by bad thoughts, try to take a break and spend just five minutes with yourself to free yourself from negative thoughts and not focus on things that you’re stressed out or feeling bad about.
Finding your strengths helps to improve your mental efficiency, and increase your self-confidence. No matter how many bad times have happened to you, those strengths can make you stronger, and it can make you think less negatively.
Research has found that saying thank you habitually affects a person’s level of happiness and positive thinking compared to receiving good things from others. Although it is not a big deal or a normal gift, just saying thank you can heal some of the minds as well.
Fulfilling happiness is also one of the things that help build resistance to thinking because you will not take into account bad things and negative feelings will also diminish, whether it be going on a trip, exercising, or doing what you like.
However, you need to understand that negative thoughts do not go away easily and that you must keep practicing managing them until they become a habit. One day when difficulties or obstacles arise in life, you will be able to handle them more quickly. If you follow those instructions and are still unable to manage and it affects your daily lives, you should go and see a therapist to help you so that it doesn’t affect you in the long run.
References from (IBM)