
Announced! Equal Marriage Act effective on January 22, 2025

It is an important step in Thailand in recognizing the rights of LGBTQIA to build a family because on September 24, 2024, the Act on the Amendment of the Civil and Commercial Code (No. 24), 2024, also known as the “Equal Marriage Act”, was promulgated in the Government Gazette. It is stipulated that this law will take effect on January 22, 2025.


Social Contexts and Reasons for Law Improvement

Family institutions play an important role in the development of society and the quality of life. However, the current law restricts marriage to men and women, which does not correspond to the reality of the LGBTQIA society and the collective lifestyle of LGBTQIA people.  The need for such amendments has arisen so that those who are sexually diverse can form a family and have the same legal rights as the male and female spouses

The essence of the Equal Marriage Act

This law has amended and added important provisions in the Civil and Commercial Code, especially in marriages that are no longer limited to men and women. Modifying the words from “male” and “female” to “person” opens the way for married couples of the same sex to be legally engaged and married.  Couples also have the right to adopt together and have the right to inherit each other in the event of the death of the other spouse.

The adjustment of the minimum age of engagement and marriage from 17 years old to 18 years old was made in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which aims to prevent forced marriage. If there are people under the age of 20, the consent of parents or adoptees is required.

Effects and Expectations

The enactment of this equal marriage law not only promotes social rights and equality but also affects cultural changes and values in Thailand, especially among LGBTQIA people who have faced discrimination and social intolerance in the past.

The law will make Thai society more open and better understanding of gender diversity, which may lead to a reduction of violence and discrimination among these individuals, create a friendly atmosphere, and encourage gender diversity to live their lives without being restricted by outdated laws.

The Equal Marriage Act in Thailand is an important step that reflects changes in Thai society in terms of rights and equality for LGBTQIA people. Ensuring the marriage rights of LGBTQIA people will not only create equality in the law but also create a fair society and recognize real differences shortly.  It is important to monitor the development of the law and the changes in Thai society that come with the use of this law seriously. It is hoped that Thai society will move on to sustainable equality.

References from
thaigov / thaipbs / thestandard / the101

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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