SSL or Secure Socket Layer is the security of data transmission HTTPs via URLs for both websites and applications. Most importantly, SSL provides a more secure and difficult way to entrap data.
SSL Certificate is an electronic security certificate, which provides an encryption algorithm to store data during transmission to secure user data and prevent attacks from fake websites.
Websites with SSL starting with https:// can be classified according to the security level of the organization or company that is running the site. At this stage, it is very important to register to confirm their website, which can be classified as follows:
There are few verification procedures. It is easy and quick to issue certificates by only verifying who the domain or site name’s owner is. This verification requires using email authentication. This type of certificate is displayed in the Web Browser as a green key.
Also known as Business Validation SSL (BV) is a security certificate for corporate sites, company sites, and agencies. To issue the certificate, documents must be submitted to verify the ownership of a domain name and ensure that a company or organization exists. Approximately 3 to 4 days of issuance is required. This type of certificate will include the organization’s name on the security certificate to build trust for customers, displayed as a green key on the Web Browser.
It is the most rigorous security certificate. Submitting the document is quite similar to the Organization Validation which will take approximately 7-15 days to complete. The Web browser displays the organization name on the URL Address Bar, suitable for corporate websites that require credibility.
HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, an Internet communication protocol that secures data between computers and websites to ensure users’ online security. The HTTPS that receives the data is secured against protocol hacking and requires SSL certificates before HTTPS can be used.
Company or corporate websites should be safe and reliable to ensure that users are safe and harmless when visiting websites. Before being accepted, domain name owners must register correctly to secure their websites and prevent identity theft. By the time we get here, everyone will have figured out the importance of SSL. So you know how to surf the internet safely. In the next article, we will talk about how DNS (Domain Name System) relates to SSL. ACU PAY will take you to find out.