
Art Toys: The Unexpected Financial Asset

One of the most intriguing assets to watch this year is undoubtedly the Art Toy. Driven by its growing popularity and unique appeal, the influx of Art Toys into Thailand is on the rise.

What Are Art Toys?

Art Toys are artistic creations presented in the form of collectible toys, inspired by the imagination of their designers. Generally purchased for collection or display according to personal preference.

Art Toys are often made from vinyl or resin, varying based on design. Some artists have even infused Thai cultural elements into their designs, incorporating traditional beliefs and motifs. Examples include Art Toys of Ganesh, Maneki-neko (beckoning cat), and Naga, as well as designs aimed at promoting tourism, thereby enhancing Thailand’s economic value and cultural soft power.

Not Just a Random Box Anymore!

You might be surprised to learn that HTF Market, a leading global market analysis and research firm, has reported that in 2023, the global Art Toy market was valued at $8.517 billion, with projections reaching $10.909 billion by 2030. The largest Art Toy markets are located in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Given these figures, the “hype” surrounding Art Toys becomes clear. These aren’t just random collectible boxes but sophisticated works of art that reflect the tastes of their owners. They also serve as decorative items for both residential and non-residential spaces. This has led to a surge in demand, pushing Art Toy prices higher, thereby transforming them into valuable assets.

Who’s Buying Art Toys?

The primary buyers of Art Toys are Gen Z individuals born from 1995 onward and office workers aged between 25-40 years. Interestingly, over 70% of Art Toy enthusiasts are women, who are drawn to the cute and collectible nature of these items. In Thailand, it is anticipated that the Art Toy market will experience rapid growth, with purchasing trends showing a preference for sets rather than single items, contrasting with the more casual buying habits observed in other countries.

Asia: The Hub of Art Toy Production and Collection

Asia has emerged as the epicenter of Art Toy production and collection, with Japan, South Korea, and China leading the way. China, in particular, boasts the largest Art Toy market and production base globally. Notably, Pop Mart, a leading Art Toy manufacturer, operates over 2,000 retail outlets throughout China and distributes to more than 120 locations worldwide, including Thailand. Reports indicate that over 80% of Art Toys globally are produced in China.

Art Toys have evolved beyond mere collectibles to become significant assets with substantial economic implications. Their unique blend of art and commerce makes them an exciting sector to watch in the global market.

About the Author

Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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