Celebrities and artists that we know through music, movies, or the media, do you know how many assets they own? Today, ACU PAY will reveal the list of the richest celebrity billionaires in 2024, ranked by Forbes magazine. Let’s take a look!
Every 1st and 16th of the month, all Thais are looking forward to becoming millionaires because it is the day everyone calls “The Lottery Drawing Day” or “Government Lottery Drawing Day”. Do you know how many chances you have to win a prize? If you’re curious, ACU PAY will reveal this secret to you.
The world population of many countries is increasingly entering the Aged Society, while Thailand itself expects that by the end of 2035, Thailand will become a Super Aged Society. However, the government’s problems come with business opportunities that should not be overlooked with the elderly business or the Silver Economy.
With market volatility and a slowing economy, people are striving for something called Safe Haven. One of the Safe Havens is ‘gold’, an asset held by several central banks as an international reserve.
Recently, The Government Financial Institutions Association (GFA) has agreed with the government to cut interest rates by 0.25% for six months, starting from May 1 onward to help retail customers and vulnerable groups.
Speaking of China, one of the Chinese traditions that many Thai people find a culture shock is that Chinese restaurants always serve ‘hot water’. If you ask for ice, you may be looked at with a strange stare. As we all know, Chinese people prefer drinking hot water, have you ever wondered why they like to drink only hot water? This time, ACU PAY will take you to find out the answer to this question together.
Did you know that ‘Salt’ we use in cooking nowadays was once entitled to be as valuable as ‘gold’ and was used as a medium that we called ‘salary’ How is the story going? Let’s follow ACU PAY.
Nowadays, Chinese people pay a lot of attention to “Valentines Day” or a “Day of Love.” One of the most popular gifts that Chinese people give to each other on Valentine’s day is “roses.” Today, ACU PAY will introduce a Chinese Valentine Legend or Qixi Festival to all of you.
For those who have any banknotes damaged from being torn, bitten by insects, color faded because they are accidentally mixed with the laundry, or even burnt ones, don’t throw them away! because we can exchange them for new banknotes. Let’s see the conditions on how to redeem banknotes!
“Gold” has become a strong asset once again after prices soar every year. This makes “gold” one of the investment methods that younger generations see as long-term investments, especially younger generations in China who buy gold the size of “beans.”
Celebrities and artists that we know through music, movies, or the media, do you know how many assets they own? Today, ACU PAY will reveal the list of the richest celebrity billionaires in 2024, ranked by Forbes magazine. Let’s take a look!
Every 1st and 16th of the month, all Thais are looking forward to becoming millionaires because it is the day everyone calls “The Lottery Drawing Day” or “Government Lottery Drawing Day”. Do you know how many chances you have to win a prize? If you’re curious, ACU PAY will reveal this secret to you.
The world population of many countries is increasingly entering the Aged Society, while Thailand itself expects that by the end of 2035, Thailand will become a Super Aged Society. However, the government’s problems come with business opportunities that should not be overlooked with the elderly business or the Silver Economy.
With market volatility and a slowing economy, people are striving for something called Safe Haven. One of the Safe Havens is ‘gold’, an asset held by several central banks as an international reserve.
Recently, The Government Financial Institutions Association (GFA) has agreed with the government to cut interest rates by 0.25% for six months, starting from May 1 onward to help retail customers and vulnerable groups.
Speaking of China, one of the Chinese traditions that many Thai people find a culture shock is that Chinese restaurants always serve ‘hot water’. If you ask for ice, you may be looked at with a strange stare. As we all know, Chinese people prefer drinking hot water, have you ever wondered why they like to drink only hot water? This time, ACU PAY will take you to find out the answer to this question together.
Did you know that ‘Salt’ we use in cooking nowadays was once entitled to be as valuable as ‘gold’ and was used as a medium that we called ‘salary’ How is the story going? Let’s follow ACU PAY.
Nowadays, Chinese people pay a lot of attention to “Valentines Day” or a “Day of Love.” One of the most popular gifts that Chinese people give to each other on Valentine’s day is “roses.” Today, ACU PAY will introduce a Chinese Valentine Legend or Qixi Festival to all of you.
For those who have any banknotes damaged from being torn, bitten by insects, color faded because they are accidentally mixed with the laundry, or even burnt ones, don’t throw them away! because we can exchange them for new banknotes. Let’s see the conditions on how to redeem banknotes!
“Gold” has become a strong asset once again after prices soar every year. This makes “gold” one of the investment methods that younger generations see as long-term investments, especially younger generations in China who buy gold the size of “beans.”