
Social Security Fund Vs Workmen’s Compensation Fund, what are the differences?

Office workers are also likely to get sick, have accidents, or get hurt from work. Many office workers go to hospitals for treatment and think that social security will cover everything. In fact, conditions may not cover all cases. However, salarymen like us have another protection that will help ease the burden of costs, which is the ‘Workmen’s Compensation Fund’


Tips to life and financial planning with “The Jar of Life”

Planning for life and finances is like having a GPS to guide your way and keep you from losing the way. It helps you in prioritizing things in your life about which one should be done first so that you won’t waste your time and be disappointed in losing the way. Today, ACU PAY will introduce you to the secret of financial planning, which is ‘The Jar of Life’


Social Security Fund Vs Workmen’s Compensation Fund, what are the differences?

Office workers are also likely to get sick, have accidents, or get hurt from work. Many office workers go to hospitals for treatment and think that social security will cover everything. In fact, conditions may not cover all cases. However, salarymen like us have another protection that will help ease the burden of costs, which is the ‘Workmen’s Compensation Fund’


Tips to life and financial planning with “The Jar of Life”

Planning for life and finances is like having a GPS to guide your way and keep you from losing the way. It helps you in prioritizing things in your life about which one should be done first so that you won’t waste your time and be disappointed in losing the way. Today, ACU PAY will introduce you to the secret of financial planning, which is ‘The Jar of Life’
