Have you ever wondered why the Chinese language that is commonly used in communication is called Chinese Mandarin in English? Why don’t we call them common Chinese? ACU PAY will answer this question for you!
Anyone who loves to eat sweet things please raise your hands! Have you ever experienced the state of having no energy, easily getting upset, having a blurred brain, and not being refreshed because you didn’t intake sugar? If so, this is a sign that you are ‘addicted to sugar’!
‘Mantou’ , a circle steam dough with a soft taste, can be considered as a dish that Chinese people can eat in every meal and also a dessert in China New Year and other auspicious ceremonies. Did you know that mantou has an amazing back story and origin. What is the story about mantou like? ACU PAY will tell you.
After the trend of sustainability and environmental conservation have played more important roles in society, many businesses have become more concerned with the world by reducing plastic products to biodegradable products such as paper and bamboo and what we often see is the changes from plastic straws to paper straws.
When you travel abroad, have you ever noticed that the steering wheels of the cars in each country are different? This is quite confusing for people who drive due to the differences of the road. What are the reasons why steering wheels are on the left and on the right side of a car? Why don’t we make steering wheels on the same side for every car? Let’s find out with ACU PAY today!
You would not feel anything weird If you were told that “Your lover is wearing a green hat” You might wonder what’s wrong with wearing a green hat. However, you might cry if someone told you that phrase in China because that phrase can be implied as “Your lover is cheating on you!”
Nowadays, we have been hypnotized by the word “It’s a must” on social media. Every time, we have to buy those items even though we tried to stop ourselves but failed. You feel guilt when you buy it but stress out when you resist buying it. Is it weird?
Many of you might notice that there are 3 colors of sockets which are white red and yellow at hospitals or other places. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of each color is and how to use them? Today, ACU PAY will tell you guys.
When you eat with your friends, the restaurant that always inevitably pops up in your mind will be Thai BBQ Buffet, Shabu, or Chinese Hot Pot which is now popular in Thailand. Did you know about the history of the Chinese Hot Pot with the numb spicy taste that we like? Let’s find out with ACU PAY!
We’ve heard of Shenzhen, a shopping mall that produces various grade A Miller counterfeit products, but it’s the only one-sided memory that Thais know about Shenzhen. Over the past few decades, growth and change by leaps and bounds have made Shenzhen known as the “Silicon Valley of Asia,” a global hub for technology, innovation, and entrepreneurs. Today, ACUPay will explore the factors that contribute to Shenzhen’s growth as an Almighty of Technology and its unique identity.
Have you ever wondered why the Chinese language that is commonly used in communication is called Chinese Mandarin in English? Why don’t we call them common Chinese? ACU PAY will answer this question for you!
Anyone who loves to eat sweet things please raise your hands! Have you ever experienced the state of having no energy, easily getting upset, having a blurred brain, and not being refreshed because you didn’t intake sugar? If so, this is a sign that you are ‘addicted to sugar’!
‘Mantou’ , a circle steam dough with a soft taste, can be considered as a dish that Chinese people can eat in every meal and also a dessert in China New Year and other auspicious ceremonies. Did you know that mantou has an amazing back story and origin. What is the story about mantou like? ACU PAY will tell you.
After the trend of sustainability and environmental conservation have played more important roles in society, many businesses have become more concerned with the world by reducing plastic products to biodegradable products such as paper and bamboo and what we often see is the changes from plastic straws to paper straws.
When you travel abroad, have you ever noticed that the steering wheels of the cars in each country are different? This is quite confusing for people who drive due to the differences of the road. What are the reasons why steering wheels are on the left and on the right side of a car? Why don’t we make steering wheels on the same side for every car? Let’s find out with ACU PAY today!
You would not feel anything weird If you were told that “Your lover is wearing a green hat” You might wonder what’s wrong with wearing a green hat. However, you might cry if someone told you that phrase in China because that phrase can be implied as “Your lover is cheating on you!”
Nowadays, we have been hypnotized by the word “It’s a must” on social media. Every time, we have to buy those items even though we tried to stop ourselves but failed. You feel guilt when you buy it but stress out when you resist buying it. Is it weird?
Many of you might notice that there are 3 colors of sockets which are white red and yellow at hospitals or other places. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of each color is and how to use them? Today, ACU PAY will tell you guys.
When you eat with your friends, the restaurant that always inevitably pops up in your mind will be Thai BBQ Buffet, Shabu, or Chinese Hot Pot which is now popular in Thailand. Did you know about the history of the Chinese Hot Pot with the numb spicy taste that we like? Let’s find out with ACU PAY!
We’ve heard of Shenzhen, a shopping mall that produces various grade A Miller counterfeit products, but it’s the only one-sided memory that Thais know about Shenzhen. Over the past few decades, growth and change by leaps and bounds have made Shenzhen known as the “Silicon Valley of Asia,” a global hub for technology, innovation, and entrepreneurs. Today, ACUPay will explore the factors that contribute to Shenzhen’s growth as an Almighty of Technology and its unique identity.