
Final summary of the land tax.

Anyone who has lands and buildings can’t miss this content! Today we are going to present to you about the Land Tax that you have to pay annually. We created this content because a lot of people do not know or are confused about land tax. Thus, ACU Pay has gathered all information about land […]

3 Reasons Why Bank Loans Fail

WHY? Why can’t I get a bank loan? This might be a question to yourself when you want to buy a house, car or to operate a business then you loan from bank but you get denied! Today, we are going to talk about how to do a bank loan, find out the reason why your bank loan failed and the solutions. Let’s get started.

Compare Today’s Gold Price and 10 Years Ago’s Gold Price

Nowadays, Gold is at a very high value which is 30,000 baht per Baht but in the past gold price was around 10 thousands baht per baht. Let’s observe what factors caused the gold price to be higher than before and the price of gold 10 years ago compared to today’s. Also, a tendency of gold prices in the future. Let’s start.