Which types of sign must be paid for taxes? Things an entrepreneur should know

Any entrepreneur who is going to open a restaurant, clothing store, cafe, or doing business with signs on their front door to promote or advertise. One thing that is important and should not be greatly ignored is to pay for the “Signboard Tax” What’s the Signboard Tax and what are the criteria?
What to do if we cannot continue paying for car installment and the car is about to get seized?

During the inflation period, many people who are in debt may begin to feel that they can’t afford to pay their car’s installment anymore and think that it would be better if they let the cars be seized. Is it really better? Is there any way else to help solve this problem? Let’s find answers together.
How to Deal With Defaulted on Debentures

Investments are risky, and investments in debentures may be as likely to default as we often see in the news. If the debentures we bought defaulted on, what would we do to get our money back? This time, ACU PAY will tell you about how to deal with defaulting on debentures and how to get the money back.