
Exercise your brain to keep it fresh all day

Many people may think that drinking coffee in the morning will make you feel energetic or taking a cold shower will refresh yourself. Today, ACU PAY has ways to make you feel awake and also to exercise your brain. If you follow these instructions continuously, your brain will be brighter for sure. If you are ready, let’s start!


Brush your teeth with non-dominant hand

Brushing your teeth with a non-dominant hand is a way to train your brain because it will allow you to use the other side of your brain which is not usually used. This will stimulate the brain to work well since morning because it will make the body and the brain focus on the movement of the hands and make you concentrate more.

Laugh in the morning

Laughing in the morning is one of the best ways to keep your brain awake, because when you laugh, it’s not only brain training, but it also refreshes you. It also puts you in a good mood all day long.

Greet yourself

Greeting yourself in the morning, such as ‘good morning’ or ‘hi’, is considered to awaken you in the morning, keep your brain awake, stimulate the brain, and help your body feel refreshed, and have a good day.

Revise your schedule

Saying the important things that need to be done on that day, or talking to yourself in front of the mirror will make you alert and remember what has to be done on this day. It’s like training your brain along with enhancing your memory and making you remember your plan, “What needs to be done today?”, including revising yourself “What has already been done yesterday?” You can train your brain by using the idea of what has already been done each day. This is another way to train, refresh, and stimulate the brain.

Take a deep breath

Sometimes when we yawn, it may be due to drowsiness, including the brain’s claim to lack oxygen or insufficient oxygen. The way to empower the brain may be to breathe in and out deeply so that the brain can get enough oxygen. This way can refresh your brain as well.

If you begin the day with brightness in the morning, then you will be alert, and your whole day will be fresh. If anyone follows these methods regularly. You can feel that your body is fresh and active, and the brain is clear. You will be more agile in whatever you do too.

References from  trueplookpanya

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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