
‘Fire Rainbows’ Rare cloud phenomenon; a natural art

Thinking of rainbows, people often think of raindrops reflected in the sunlight, creating a beautiful band of colors in the sky. However, in the world of nature study and science, there are many similar phenomena with different uniqueness. One of the uniqueness is ‘Fire Rainbow’ which is one of the rare and most amazing natural phenomena. Today, ACU PAY will bring you all to know and understand about this ‘Fire Rainbow.’


What is Fire Rainbows?

First of all, we need to stick to the point. A fire rainbow is an aerial phenomenon that occurs when sunlight strikes a cloud that has ice crystals in the form of a prism, which occurs in high-level clouds in the atmosphere.

Usually, it occurs and appears in clouds called “Cirrus” or “Cirrostratus”, which are high and thin. Ice crystals in these clouds act like small prisms that refract and reflect sunlight to create rainbows at unpredictable angles and are also unique to themselves.

The Process of Fire Rainbows Occurring

In the process of creating this fire rainbow, sunlight is the core of making a specific angle of impact. The light that passes through the ice crystals inside the cloud is the color distribution of sunlight caused by prism refraction. This is the process of occurring and the reason why the “Fire Rainbow” looks different from the common rainbow.

Characteristics of Fire Rainbows

The rainbow is distinguished by its unusual colors and patterns. This gives it a rare charm from other phenomena. Usually, fire rainbow colors are white or lighter than a regular rainbow, as well as a band that is not as clear as a rainbow caused by rain or storm, including a subtle color and rare detail.

Where to find?

A fire rainbow is an infrequent phenomenon. It usually appears in summer and winter when the Cirrus cloud is high in the atmosphere. The appearance of a fire rainbow requires proper weather and cloud height. Most of the time, it can be found in areas where the weather is good enough to produce clouds and sunlight that is bright enough to cause refraction.

Technically, we wouldn’t be able to see this rainbow if it was over 55 degrees north latitude and below 55 degrees south latitude.

Advantages of Fire Rainbows

Although the fire rainbow is an interesting and exciting natural phenomenon, education and environmental conservation are still important in maintaining weather conditions conducive to fire rainbow formation. Understanding these phenomena can help us understand the subtleties and complexities of nature and the power it can create.


The fire rainbow is one of the most beautiful and rare natural phenomena. It is not only a natural wonder but also an inspiration for scientific study and environmental conservation. With its beauty and mystery, the fire rainbow is a wonderful example of wonder waiting to be discovered and studied in this restless world.

References from
faena / scienceabc / wikipedia

About the Author

Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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