At present, we all know that the goods we spend daily are getting more expensive. Try to calculate how much money you have this month and how much you can spend a day. If you calculate it early on, it will definitely help you not to over spend. Try to act against your will to change your spending behavior. It may be difficult in the early days to spend less money, but at the end of the month, you will be grateful to yourself for being better at saving money.
Sometimes cutting off spending on some wasteful things that you maybe even blame yourself for why you bought, or do you buy and make a living? For example, if you like to drink expensive coffee, eat fancy food, and collectibles, these behaviors make you spend too much money unconsciously. Thus, it’s better to cut those expenses off. You may not have to cut those expenses off completely but try to reduce spending on those things to save more.
Credit cards have both advantages and disadvantages, but many people are tempted by credit cards to overspend. It’s fun every time they shop through the cards. Then, they realize that they are in credit card debt and stressed out at the end of every month. Therefore, instead of looking for a new credit card to repay the debt of the old debt, the best way is to plan carefully before using the credit card
Many people are tired of taking notes on their daily income and expenses. Shall we try something more convenient and easier? Like using an application that summarizes monthly expenditures, which you can save on your phone anytime, or take notes immediately when paying. In addition to these methods, it doesn’t make you lazy, and you also see income and expenditure in clear figures, which reminds you not to overspend money.
Set a goal for yourself to have 100,000 or buy a car. Then start planning your initial budget such as separating salary and income, and find a way to make more money. One day, when you see more money, you will regret it and not want to use it. This is another way to remind you to save money. However, you should not spend it too lavishly according to the topics that have been mentioned to maintain your standards of security.
These are ways to save money for those who are not good at saving, which will increase the likelihood of having a lump sum to buy a house or buy a condo or something you want. Nonetheless, these are just part of the big saving technique. There are many ways to save money faster depending on your behavior on spending money.
References from
makebykbank / tokiomarine / settrade / afterklass