
Documents used for Home Loans

Having a house might be a dream for some salarymen who have just passed the probationary period or those who want to settle down. Today, we are going to observe the price for a house, the documents to use in home loans and the qualified qualification to loan successfully. You can find all the answers in this article.

Let’s observe Suki Teenoi’s income! Beloved Buffet for suki lovers.

“Suki Teenoi” is a popular suki buffet at the moment which always has a huge line of people who want to enjoy their meal at this place. There are 41 branches of Suki Teenoi and a lot more of the new branches to be opened. The average customer in total of every branch is about 30,000-40,000 per day. With a lot of branches and a great number of customers, let’s take a look at the total income of Suki Teenoi per year and the future plan for Suki Teenoi.