
20/10 Rule, Simple technique to control debt

A lot of people don’t want to take out loans but sometimes a loan is necessary to make finance more liquid. Having debt is not always a bad thing. If you make the right amount of debt and repay it on time, it will help to build discipline and appreciation for money. To control the debt ceiling or the amount of debt not exceeding the appropriate limit, we can assess it on our own with the 20/10 rule, also known as the Debt Ceiling Control rule.

Refinance Vs Retention, which one has a lower interest rate?

Normally, after three years of installment, interest rates will rise. Therefore, we should go to the bank for refinance or retention to lower interest rates. Have you ever wondered what is the difference between refinance and retention and which one is better? ACU PAY will wrap it up for you guys.

What is Financial Freedom and why does everyone want to have it?

We might be familiar with the saying that financial freedom will make us live our lives freely without worrying about finances. Have you ever wondered how much money is required to have this freedom and what to do to get financial freedom? Let’s find the answer together with ACU PAY.

Tips for short/medium/long-term savings goals

People’s lives are like a journey, and they have to set their destination goals which is the same as setting goals for saving money. ACU PAY will share savings tips in three phases, whether short, medium, or long-term, you can plan as follows;