15 Beliefs “Don’t do” on Chinese New Year’s Day

Lunar New Year’s Day is a New Year’s Day for Chinese people. It is one of the most important festivals that people pay a lot of attention to. It is said that 1 day before Lunar New Year’s Day (the last day of the year) is the most merry night.
5 Splendid Chinese Temple for paying respects and enhancing good luck to welcome Chinese New Year’s Day

Chinese New Year’s Day is coming! Most Chinese people and Thai-Chinese people prefer to pay homage to their ancestors according to traditions. They may travel to pay homage to sacred things in temples and shrines to supplement the auspicious occasion. Today, ACU PAY has gathered beautiful Chinese temples and shrines both in Bangkok and upcountry for those who are looking for a place to pay respects to. Let’s see what Chinese temples and shrines are there.