
How much caffeine do these drinks contain?

Most people rely on caffeine to wake themselves up in the morning, however, too much caffeine causes negative effects and damages our health. According to research, humans should not consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Today, let’s see how much caffeine in the drinks that we eat each day contains.

Is it true that coffee shouldn’t be drunk on an empty stomach?

Have you ever had coffee right away after waking up on an empty stomach? Did you know that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can harm your health? This time, ACU PAY will tell you why we should not drink coffee on an empty stomach and how to drink coffee safely for our health.

How is Arabica and Robusta coffee different?

Many people who are not coffee lovers may have heard about Arabica and Robusta coffee when they go to coffee shops. Have you ever wondered what the differences are between these two coffees? and what is the uniqueness of each coffee? Let’s follow ACU PAY and find out about this!