
Dangerous! DON’T hold back a sneeze

Have you ever noticed that sneezing can happen to all of us in every season whether it’s winter, summer or rainy seasons? Although we are not catching a cold, we sneeze sometimes and we don’t know what the cause is. ACU PAY believes that there is none of you who have never held back sneezing. Did you know that holding back a sneeze is very dangerous to our own bodies. What are the negative effects of it? Let’s find out!

Why is a sea without ‘Shark’ more dangerous than a sea with ‘Sharks?

Our world is covered with almost 70% of water which is very important to our world and many other living things on earth. Among sea animals, one of the sea animals which plays an important role in maintaining a delicate balance of the ecosystem is ‘Shark’, a predator of the sea that many people see as a fierce and dangerous animal. However, did you know that a sea without sharks has an impact on the sea ecosystem more than we thought. This time, ACU PAY will take you to explore and find out why a sea with no sharks is more dangerous than a sea with sharks.