
Refinance Vs Retention, which one has a lower interest rate?

Normally, after three years of installment, interest rates will rise. Therefore, we should go to the bank for refinance or retention to lower interest rates. Have you ever wondered what is the difference between refinance and retention and which one is better? ACU PAY will wrap it up for you guys.

Can’t pay for car installments anymore! Refinance can help!

Car installment is one of the monthly expenses that most people have to pay. It might be easy to pay for all the expenses in that month but suddenly you cannot afford to pay for car installment anymore! The late installment payment caused the interest to rise which made you feel uneasy. Today we are going to find out if it is possible for the car under installment to refinance.

Calculate expenses before doing “Refinance”

People who pay for house or car installment might be familiar with Refinance. For those who have never heard about refinance and are still considering refinance should not miss this article. Refinance is to loan a sum of money with different pay conditions and interest rates. We will talk about what refinance is, how good […]