
What is mineral water? and why do we have to drink it?

Mineral water is a drink that many people are familiar with, but not everyone understands its origin and its actual benefits. Before we talk about mineral water, let’s first get to know what mineral water is. What and Why is it important for your health?


The Origin of Mineral Water

Mineral water is water that comes from an underground water source, which often flows through layers of rock and soil containing minerals dissolved and produces minerals that are beneficial to the body such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and sulfur. In producing mineral water, water must come from natural water without additional minerals.

Mineral water can be divided into several types according to the amount and type of minerals available, which affect taste and benefits to the body. The production standards are legal to ensure quality and safety for consumers.

Benefits of Mineral Water

Mineral water has many benefits to the body, especially in the area of health enhancement and treatment of certain symptoms, such as

  • Important minerals: Mineral water contains minerals necessary for the body that help the function of various systems, such as calcium which helps strengthen bones and teeth, while magnesium helps control muscle and nervous system functions.
  • Digestion aid: Some mineral water, such as bicarbonate, stimulates digestive function and improves the absorption of nutrients.
  • Pain reliever: Sulfate mineral water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help people with gastrointestinal problems feel better.

Refresh: Drinking mineral water makes it feel fresher than regular water because it has different flavors. This has led many people to choose mineral water as the main choice in their daily lives.

Precautions for Drinking Mineral Water

Although mineral water has many benefits, drinking mineral water has some precautions to consider, especially for those with certain health problems, including:

  • People with high blood pressure: Some mineral water may have high sodium content, which can cause blood pressure to rise.
  • Pregnant women: Excessive exposure to certain minerals can affect the absorption of important nutrients, so consult a doctor before drinking.
  • People with kidney problems: Water with high mineral content may cause the kidneys to work hard and increase the risk of kidney stones.

Children: Children’s bodies cannot yet take in large amounts of minerals. Giving them to drink too much mineral water can adversely affect their growth.

Despite how useful mineral water is, there are also precautions to drink. Choosing mineral water that suits your physical condition is important. If you have no health problems to worry about, mineral water is a good choice for health and refreshment. However, it should be drunk in an appropriate amount and should not be used primarily to receive all minerals from food in daily life.

Choosing to drink mineral water should take into account the source, purity, and amount of minerals available to get the most out of mineral water while not adversely affecting our health.

About the Author

Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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