For travel trends, camping is very popular during this period. which is a very chilling journey and being in the midst of nature, and good weather. But when going camping, not only a place but equipment must also be provided, such as tents, chairs, and cooking equipment. Another indispensable thing is the clothes. I have to say that it’s just as important as the tent. Which stores are recommended here? Let’s see.
It’s a clothes shop for camp girls. We have more than 100 designs for you to choose from. There are many reviews. You can click to see. or you can ask at the shop.
Facebook : Feels_20_clothing
This store mainly sells clothing but also has accessories for camping, such as a round-shaped outdoor hat and a waterproof nylon fabric mask. Ideal for avengers. They also have minimal camping equipment such as a Handy Chair and a camping-style chair recycled from used plastic bottles. It can be said that besides the beautiful design, it also helps reduce global warming.
IG : calmoutdoors
Facebook : calmoutdoors
It is a store that sells hiking and camping equipment, mostly from famous brands such as Kovea, Soto, G-Work, Coleman, Primus, and Leatherman. There is a lot of good equipment to choose from. Whether it’s a 2-seater sofa that increases the comfort of camping. It can also be used as a shelf in the car. And for anyone who likes coffee, this item must be attached to it, which is a coffee bean grinder, KINU Grinders, made in Germany. Anyone who likes quality brands must not miss this shop.
IG : Munichoutdoor
Line: @munichoutdoor
They are selling camping equipment, both first-hand and second-hand, in good condition at a good price. The main items in the shop are camping chairs, lanterns, and gas stoves for cooking. Including a compact portable wooden table, no matter where you go camping, you can take it with you. because it comes with a special thick bag. Anyone who is looking for a table for camping should go and see it.
IG : pb_camper
It is another shop that sells cute camping clothes for women at very good prices, including corduroy pants, long and short sleeves, shorts, and vintage vests. Anyone who has a trip to the north, up the hill, trekking, camping, let’s check it out.
Instagram : happilysky_shop
Facebook : HAPPILYsky Shop
Path will is a shop, especially for camping, trekking, and tenting. There is everything for camping necessities, such as bags, clothes, shoes, tents, tent equipment, knives, hammers, chairs, tables, lights, and lanterns. Let me tell you that before entering the store, you have to be careful because everything is worth buying and necessary for camping. And most importantly, each piece of clothing or equipment is very beautiful and suitable for possession.
Another is a shop for camping and trekking. It provides all the equipment, whether it’s clothes for both women and men, tents, tent equipment, bags, or walking sticks. It is another shop that has all the items.
Shopee : Camel Official Shop.th
TKT Adventure was founded out of a love for trekking activities. The owner of the shop was a former trekker who used to be confused when it came to finding the right trekking equipment for themselves. Even after hiking for a long time, when they have new items, they are still not sure if they’re good or not. because we know that each person will have different suitable items. We are your friends. We will not fool our friends. We will not disappoint our friends. We do it for you to go hiking and camping happily. Another specialty of this shop is that you can rent trekking equipment.
The most comprehensive equipment center in Thailand, travel equipment, backpacks, hiking equipment, camping equipment, sweaters, and running shoes. The Puffin House was established in 2016. With the philosophy from the traveler’s heart who want to make this place a one-stop service for all types of tourism activities, no matter where we travel, The Puffin House is always ready to take care of you.
Website : The puffin house