Several studies have shown that coffee is not only beneficial for reducing drowsiness. Today, we have 9 benefits of coffee. Let’s see.
It’s something that many people feel after drinking coffee. Because, as we all know, coffee contains caffeine. It is a central nervous system stimulant that counteracts fatigue and increases energy levels.
This is because caffeine blocks receptors for a neurotransmitter called adenosine and increases the levels of other neurotransmitters in your brain that control your energy levels, including dopamine.
One small study found that drinking coffee increased the time to exhaustion during cycling exercise by 12% and significantly reduced participants’ levels of fatigue. Other studies have found similar findings, reporting that drinking coffee before and during golf improves performance, increases energy levels, and reduces feelings of fatigue.
Summary: Coffee is a stimulant that increases energy and reduces fatigue by changing the levels of some chemicals in the brain.
Type 2 diabetes, found in 90% of diabetics, is caused by insulin resistance. As a result, insulin, which reduces blood sugar levels, does not work very well. making the blood sugar level rise.
Some research suggests that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the long term.
In fact, more than 30 studies found that people who drank a cup of coffee a day were linked to a 6% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, possibly because coffee can maintain the function of beta cells in the pancreas. which is responsible for producing insulin to control blood sugar levels.
It is also rich in antioxidants and may affect insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism. all of which are related to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Summary, Regular coffee consumption may be linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in the long term.
Some research suggests that coffee may help protect against certain neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. In 13 studies, people who consumed caffeine regularly had a significantly lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, caffeine consumption also slows the progression of Parkinson’s disease over time. Another 11 observational studies in over 29,000 people also found that the more coffee you drink, the lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease will be. Additionally, several studies have shown that coffee may be associated with a reduced risk of dementia and memory loss.
Summary, some research suggests that drinking coffee can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amnesia.
According to some research, coffee can alter fat storage and promote gut health. Both may be beneficial for weight management. For example, 12 studies concluded that higher coffee consumption may be associated with lower body fat in men. In another study, increased coffee intake was linked to lower body fat in women.
Furthermore, one study discovered that those who drank one to two cups of coffee per day were 17% more likely to be physically active and fit as planned than those who drank less than one cup of coffee per day.
Which exercises can be done according to the plan will help promote more effective weight control.
Summary, Coffee can help with weight management and is associated with a reduction in body fat. One study also found that coffee drinkers were more likely to exercise.
Some studies have found that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of depression. Seven studies found that each cup of coffee consumed per day was associated with an 8% lower risk of depression.
Another study found that drinking at least four cups of coffee a day was associated with a significantly lower risk of depression compared to just one cup of coffee a day.
Moreover, a study of over 200,000 people found that coffee drinking was associated with a lower risk of suicide.
In summary, several studies have found that coffee is associated with a lower risk of depression and may result in a reduced risk of death by suicide.
For example, one study found that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day was associated with a lower incidence of liver scarring and liver cancer in people with liver disease.
And other research shows that the more coffee you drink, the lower your risk of death from chronic liver disease. Drinking one cup of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk, while four cups of coffee per day was linked to a 71% lower risk.
Another recent study found that coffee consumption was associated with reduced liver stiffness. This is a measurement used by healthcare professionals to assess fibrosis, the formation of scar tissue in the liver.
In summary, Coffee drinking may be associated with a reduced risk of death from chronic liver disease. as well as other conditions such as liver scarring and liver cancer.
Some research shows that drinking coffee may benefit the heart. In fact, one study found that 3-5 cups of coffee a day was associated with a 15% lower risk of heart disease.
Another 21 studies showed that drinking three to four cups of coffee a day had a 21% lower risk of stroke.
And furthermore, a study of 21,000 people also found that increased coffee consumption was associated with a significantly lower risk of heart failure.
However, keep in mind that caffeine can affect blood pressure levels. Therefore, people with high blood pressure may need to limit or reduce their caffeine intake.
Summary, some research shows that drinking coffee can be associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart failure.
Some research suggests that coffee can help extend one’s lifespan. For example, 40 studies have concluded that drinking 2-4 cups of coffee per day is associated with a lower risk of death. regardless of age, weight status, or alcohol consumption.
Similarly, another study of 1,567 people found that coffee drinking was associated with a lower risk of death after 12 and 18 years of follow-up. Additionally, drinking at least one cup of coffee a day was associated with a lower risk of dying from cancer. And, interestingly, one in vitro study found that coffee can significantly extend the lifespan of yeast by preventing free radicals and DNA damage.
However, more research is needed to determine whether this applies to humans.
In summary, Coffee may be associated with a lower risk of death. regardless of other factors such as age, weight status, or alcohol consumption. But more research is still needed.
Coffee is often used by athletes who are looking to increase performance and increase ergogenic substances, also known as performance-enhancing substances.
Nine studies have reported that drinking coffee before exercise improves endurance and decreases perception of physical exertion. A study of 126 elderly people found that coffee drinking was associated with improved physical performance and faster walking. Even after the researchers adjusted for factors such as age, belly fat, and exercise level.
Moreover, it’s also been reported that moderate caffeine consumption may improve energy. However, the results were different, so the researchers also noted that caffeine might affect people differently.
In summary, Coffee can help improve physical performance and endurance when taken before exercise. However, some studies have shown mixed results.
Coffee is a popular drink. It has been extensively studied by researchers for its health benefits, including its ability to increase energy levels, promote weight management, improve athletic performance, and prevent chronic disease.
But do not forget that some people may have to limit their consumption. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, and people with certain health conditions are examples.
However, drinking coffee in moderation, eating at the right intervals, not three to four cups a day, has several health benefits and is generally considered safe for most people.
Reference : healthline