Nowadays, people, regardless of how old they are, are paying more attention to finance. However, many people are also confused about which is the better choice between saving money and investing. This time, ACU PAY therefore compares savings and investment to understand the purpose more clearly and know the difference between savings and investment.
Financial plan is something that people can start doing no matter how much money you have. The faster you start planning your savings, the sooner you can achieve your goal of saving.
When it comes to world-class investors, no one doesn’t know the most successful investor of the day, Warren Buffett. To understand the ideas of successful
Although investments in debt instruments are less risky than stocks and have a chance of getting consistent returns, there are still important factors to consider
How does the Revenue Department know our ‘income’? Anyone who has an idea that we need not to pay tax since the Revenue Department may
There have been many questions about whether commission-paid jobs need to be taxed. Therefore, let’s find the answer for the question. Also, there is an explanation about how to calculate the net income to pay tax.
Not only does color influence emotion, but it’s also as important as the logo because color creates a unique and memorable personality that helps consumers or service users recognize and motivate their choices to buy goods. To have a better understanding of the meaning of color in the brand, ACU PAY will show you how color affects mood and brand.
It is undeniable that labor has played an integral role in driving the economy. Every worker knows that the first of May of every year is Labor Day and a holiday. This day will remind you of the importance of labor. Today we have some information about how the importance of Labor day is.
In the past few years, we might hear about AI or Artificial Intelligence often. People said AI was created to help with human’s work, but some said humans will be replaced by AI. We as humans might feel uneasy about the latter because AI can work in many fields as humans such as article writing or painting. However, there are some jobs that humans cannot be replaced by AI. Let’s take a look at those 10 jobs that AI cannot do.
It must be confusing at first because we think everybody wants to be rich and fear being poor. However, this phobia seems incredible and weird but it is real. You may not imagine how we fear being wealthy, so let’s get to know this phobia together.
Nowadays, people, regardless of how old they are, are paying more attention to finance. However, many people are also confused about which is the better choice between saving money and investing. This time, ACU PAY therefore compares savings and investment to understand the purpose more clearly and know the difference between savings and investment.
Financial plan is something that people can start doing no matter how much money you have. The faster you start planning your savings, the sooner you can achieve your goal of saving.
When it comes to world-class investors, no one doesn’t know the most successful investor of the day, Warren Buffett. To understand the ideas of successful
Although investments in debt instruments are less risky than stocks and have a chance of getting consistent returns, there are still important factors to consider
How does the Revenue Department know our ‘income’? Anyone who has an idea that we need not to pay tax since the Revenue Department may
There have been many questions about whether commission-paid jobs need to be taxed. Therefore, let’s find the answer for the question. Also, there is an explanation about how to calculate the net income to pay tax.
Not only does color influence emotion, but it’s also as important as the logo because color creates a unique and memorable personality that helps consumers or service users recognize and motivate their choices to buy goods. To have a better understanding of the meaning of color in the brand, ACU PAY will show you how color affects mood and brand.
It is undeniable that labor has played an integral role in driving the economy. Every worker knows that the first of May of every year is Labor Day and a holiday. This day will remind you of the importance of labor. Today we have some information about how the importance of Labor day is.
In the past few years, we might hear about AI or Artificial Intelligence often. People said AI was created to help with human’s work, but some said humans will be replaced by AI. We as humans might feel uneasy about the latter because AI can work in many fields as humans such as article writing or painting. However, there are some jobs that humans cannot be replaced by AI. Let’s take a look at those 10 jobs that AI cannot do.
It must be confusing at first because we think everybody wants to be rich and fear being poor. However, this phobia seems incredible and weird but it is real. You may not imagine how we fear being wealthy, so let’s get to know this phobia together.