Let’s explore 5 Chinese Giant Company Stocks with High Market Cap
In addition to domestic stock investment, foreign investment is currently popular as well because the foreign stock market will diversify risks and a possibility to gain higher return as well. Foreign stock that is reliable, large, and highly growing is “Chinese Stock.”
Get to Know “Prosopagnosia” or “face forgetting disease” What is this abnormality?
Forgetting someone’s face is common because we may meet a lot of people in a day, but forgetting everyone’s face including ours is very abnormal. Today, ACU PAY will introduce Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, a disease that sounds strange but actually exists.
The WHT must be submitted in an electronic file to the RD, starting in the tax year 2024
The Revenue Department specifies the regulations requiring businesses to file employee income files electronically to the Department to prevent counterfeiting of Withholding Tax certificates, effective from tax year 2024 onwards.