
YouTube Channel Coordinates that good for sleeping

Have you ever experienced this; being sleepy during the day but cannot sleep at night? cannot sleep tight? or sleep uncomfortably? Today, ACU PAY gathers YouTube Channels that are good for your sleeping. It will relax you to make you fall asleep easier for those who have trouble sleeping. Let’s see what channels there are.


1. Soothing Relaxation

This is a channel with a great number of views! You can listen to the relaxing sound of a waterfall, and the sound of water flowing from a bamboo cylinder, making it a tune to quickly calm your mood of turmoil down. The highlight of this channel is the use of piano sound to relax and make you sleep better. Relaxed music for deep and stress-free sleep, lounging on beautiful natural videos, and relaxing music. The more you listen, the more you feel relaxed and less stressed. The video lasts from half an hour to 11 hours long, you can enjoy it and eventually fall asleep.

2. Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music

You’ll find a sound wave of concentration that can help eliminate negative thoughts, combined with different frequencies of sound waves, to fill your mood with calmness and relaxation for a better deep sleep. The clip will have a continuous length of from half an hour to 11 hours, most of them around 3 hours.

3. Meditation Relax Music

Music for meditation before bed and relaxation. The highlight is the sound of delta waves. The clip length ranges from half an hour to 12 hours, and most of them are 3 hours long.

4. MeditationRelaxClub – Sleep Music & Mindfulness

It’s a Delta Waves lullaby with the power of relaxation. It helps you to sleep better, and practice self-esteem. It is like hypnosis to relax muscles and can help develop concentration with the sound that helps you feel relaxed for meditation. The clip length ranges from half an hour to 10 hours, and most of them are around 1 hour long.

5. Tido Kang

It is an instrumental song that helps you sleep easily. It makes you feel calm and relaxed. The mixing of natural sounds such as the sound of water flowing slowly, makes you feel comfortable and it can relax your mood, and eliminate external disturbances as well. The video ranges from half an hour to 10 hours. Everyone can choose from. Most of the clips are 3 hours long. You will certainly sleep tight.

Benefits of Listening to Music Before Going to Sleep

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Control breathing rhythm
  • Stimulate happy hormone
  • Relax muscle
  • Improve brain function

What is your opinion about this article? These are YouTube Channels which are good for your sleeping that ACU PAY brings for you. Those who have difficulty sleeping, whether from stress or other factors, do not forget to listen to these channels. You will definitely sleep better.What is your opinion about this article? These are YouTube Channels which are good for your sleeping that ACU PAY brings for you. Those who have difficulty sleeping, whether from stress or other factors, do not forget to listen to these channels. You will definitely sleep better.

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand

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