Why aren’t there any savings!? Ways to restrain oneself from wasting money

Are you dealing with the problem of working for some time but still do not have any savings? What to do!? This time, ACU PAY will introduce working people to ways to restrain oneself from wasting money. Some of them are small matters that you have overlooked. If you can follow these ways, you will have your money savings for sure.
Financial Mistakes that Couples should be careful

For a couple, besides love, money is just as important, but most couples think that talking about money is not necessary. Did you know that not talking about money at all can lead to a big fight? This time, ACU PAY gathers the financial mistakes that many couples may be having. Let’s check how much you and your spouse are planning about finances.
6 Techniques to clear credit card debts more quickly

“Credit Card” is something that people give priority to in the cashless society era because every time we use credit cards to purchase goods or services, the financial institutions will pay for us, giving us liquidity in the month that we purchased goods and services. However, if you are careless, this convenience can cause you a large amount of debt.