
How to manage money like a billionaire

Many people may think that billionaires or rich people may use money extravagantly and have luxurious lives. However, one of the interviews with a financial planner who has been planning a lot for billionaires found out that these millionaires are very disciplined in spending their money and can manage their money well beyond our expectations.

3 Steps to calculate before refinancing a house

Refinancing is another alternative that many people look for when they are paying installments for a house for a while and start to feel like they cannot bear the burden of interest anymore because refinancing will help lower the interest. However, before you refinance, you should first calculate whether changing the bank is worth it or not. This time, ACU PAY will tell you 3 steps to calculate before refinancing.

What expenses are there in borrowing a loan?

Each loan, in addition to the burden of interest and principal required from the money we have borrowed, has several additional expenses from loans that we may not expect. Today, ACU PAY gathers all of the hidden costs in addition to loans for you guys.  What expenses are there in borrowing a loan? Collateral assessment […]