
Did you know how many types of Extroverts there are?

You may have heard of the word Extrovert quite often, right? Extrovert is one of the personality theories by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, consisting of introvert, extrovert, and ambivert.

In this article, ACU PAY will look from the Extrovert perspective to see what extrovert is and how many types there are.

How many types of Extroverts?

1. Agentic Extrovert

It is a group that is often driven by success and is very competitive, brave, and highly individualistic.

2. Affiliative Extrovert

This type of person loves to socialize. They’re a group of people who usually have a lot of friends and can start talking to strangers without being shy.

Observations about being an Extrovert, a person who enjoys socializing

  1. The Extrovert type can be simply called a party lover, is cheerful, has good human relations, and looks friendly. These people increase their energy from being with a lot of people. Extroverts feel lonely and bored if they are alone because they feel better with lots of friends or in the middle of a lot of people.
  2. Extroverts love being in the spotlight, wanting social recognition, preferring expression by speaking rather than writing, and choosing to go to parties rather than lying around at home. For this reason, they quite care about friends, fun, and social status is quite important to them.
  3. Extroverted people are friendly and like to approach people. It makes them know a lot of different types of people. It makes them well-connected, has a lot of knowledge around them, knows how to approach people, and has a lot of confidence. They are also enthusiastic, talkative, and can negotiate things well.

It is believed that the happiness of extroverted people will increase more or less because we look back at ourselves and have more time to get to know ourselves better. We will be a group of people who are happy by ourselves and independent. Don’t let the circumstances around us change our confidence. We are the only ones who can create happiness for ourselves.

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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