
DON’T! 5 posture which causes early wrinkles.

Wringle, crinkle and fold is natural when we are getting older, but no one wants to have an early wrinkle for sure. Does anyone feel old even though you are in your 20’s because of those early wrinkles? The early wrinkle is caused by many reasons but there are 5 poses that will cause wrinkles if you constantly do them.

What are the wrinkles, and what causes them?

Wrinkles are the formation of deep grooves on the skin or various creases. They can be found in the face, neck, and foldable joints. If left these wrinkles for a long time, can cause deep grooves that are difficult to heal and become permanent.

Wrinkles are caused by a lack of collagen and elastin inside the body, causing the skin to become dehydrated and skin cells to deteriorate. Most early wrinkles are caused by our daily habits, such as letting our skin dry without applying cream, dust, surrounding pollution, stress, and facial expressions.

5 posture which causes early wrinkles.

  • Lie prone or lie on the side

It is recommended for those who love to lie prone or lie on the side to change their posture! This sleeping posture causes a smile line on our face. You may have to change your behavior to lying on your back. In addition to helping with wrinkles, it also helps prevent back pain and neck pain.

  • Often smile or laugh

Anyone who loves to smile or laugh needs to be careful because these habits cause a smile line and Crow’s feet on your eyes. This behavior can be difficult to ban, but it’s better to lower it or laugh lightly and smile softly.

  • Frown

Stress results in unconscious frowning and causes wrinkles on the forehead and the middle between the eyebrows. The wrinkles in this area are the ones that make us look older and may be corrected by compulsion, reminding ourselves not to frown.

  • Be often exposed to the sun

Frequent exposure to sunlight will result in wrinkles in the cheek grooves called smile lines. The wrinkles in this area are quite difficult to treat, although they are treated with filler injections. Most of the solutions are to apply sunscreen, prevent UV from damaging collagen in the body.

  • Eye rubbing

The habit of rubbing your eyes frequently, rubbing your eyes unconsciously, and damaging skin cells, resulting in wrinkles under your eyes and crow’s feet. The remedy may be to apply eye cream.

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