
Highly Popular Career in the AI Era in 2024

Currently, many careers may be in trouble due to the advent of Artificial Intelligence Technology or AI. However, there are still plenty of jobs that are quite popular and survive with a high salary base. According to Jobsdb, a job search platform, business professions are still in high demand, which is especially suitable for those who are looking for jobs or looking for new opportunities. Let’s take a look together.


5 Outstanding Jobs in 2024

  1. Business Analyst

    In the technology era, one of the most indispensable occupations is business analysts who are responsible for solving business problems from the collected data to analyze data for business development.

    Education & Work Experience: Graduated at least with a bachelor’s degree in information management, business administration, marketing or other related fields.

    Starting Salary: 37K – 72K upward (according to the experience)

    Important Skills

    • Skills in data analysis and management, finding weaknesses and strengths, identifying problems, and finding solutions.
    • Communication is clear and easy to understand in speech, writing, and presentation.
    • Relationships between individuals, coordinate teamwork and build good relationships with those involved.
    • Business knowledge, understanding the strategies and goals, and processes of business.
    • IT knowledge, study about technology systems, IT tools, including basic computer programming language skills.
    • Be circumspect.

    Additional Skills

    • Enhance communication skills, data management, and using the presentation programs by learning more by yourself or by taking various courses.
    • Learn more about new technologies and more about the business the organization is doing.

2. Project Manager

The project coordinator will coordinate the internal and external of the organization so that the assignment meets the target schedule, budget, and scope.

Education & Work Experience: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business management, business administration, information technology, computer science, computer engineering or other related fields or have experience from related work.

Starting Salary: 45k – 87k (According to experience)

Important Skills

  • Planning a task, estimating the time, determining the risk.
  • Communicate effectively to make all parties understand the process and what to do with others.
  • Diagnose problems, make decisions, and solve immediate problems well.
  • Personnel management, creating motivation, Task assignment, and conflict management.
  • Negotiate to achieve the goal and maintain relationships with both outside and inside the organization.

Additional Skills

General knowledge of the projects that the organization does and specialized knowledge of English or third language skills depending on the content of the work.

3. Digital Marketing

Responsible for planning strategies and conducting marketing via online channels such as social media, websites, email, and billboards.

Education & Work Experience: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communication, advertising or field or had experience related to marketing.

Starting Salary: 29k – 41k (According to the experience)

Important Skills

  • In-depth analysis of information from tools such as Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner, Facebook Insights for use in campaign development.
  • Strategic planning, understanding the overall picture and market trends in order to set goals and plan strategies to suit the situation.
  • Communication, writing compelling content that is easy to understand, and communicating effectively with the target group.
  • Creative, come up with out-of-the-box content ideas, create a new campaign, and know how to design graphics and videos to be interesting.
  • Understand how online platforms work and always learn new technologies and tools.

Additional Skills

  • Study digital marketing courses such as SEO, SEM, Google Analytics, and social media.

4. Business Development Manager

Take care of the overall picture, find new business opportunities to offer to customers or executives, improve customer relationships and generate revenue for the organization.

Education & Work Experience: Graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration, Management, Marketing or International Business, etc., or had relevant experience.

Starting Salary: 57k – 95 k (According to experience)

Important Skills

  • In terms of market analysis, the pros and cons before using them to improve, develop or solve all problems in the most efficient way.
  • Data Analysis and Research 
  • Skill in various marketing aspects, marketing strategies, and customer research, including social media marketing and tool use foundations.
  • Effective communication in speech, writing, and presentation.
  • Negotiation to get the best deal in building relationships with customer partners.
  • Management of project, team, and resources.

Additional Skills

  • Creative and create a new opportunity
  • Good human relations, resilient, well-adjusted to changing circumstances.


5. Operation Manager

It is a specific position, depending on the line of business that the organization is in, overseeing and controlling the smooth and efficient operation of the organization.

Education & Work Experience: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or related fields to the business of the organization that is doing.

Starting Salary: 50k – 80k (According to experience)

Important Skills

  • Leadership and building inspiration and motivation for employees to work efficiently.
  • Plan the strategies and guidelines, set goals, and prioritize.
  • Data analysis, decision-making, problem-solving, and accountability for outcomes.
  • Coordination and communication are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  • Analysis of the problem, finding the solution, deciding to solve the problems, and follow-up.
  • Skills to optimize management of human resources and budget to the fullest.

Additional Skills

  • Understand the workings of various operations in a company
  • Learn to use technology in one’s work
  • English or third language skills depend on that line of work.

References from

About The Author

Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand

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