
How much caffeine do these drinks contain?

Most people rely on caffeine to wake themselves up in the morning, however, too much caffeine causes negative effects and damages our health. According to research, humans should not consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Today, let’s see how much caffeine in the drinks that we eat each day contains.


1. Tea

Tea is a drink that is known to have weaker effects than coffee, but actually contains caffeine as well. There are 35 milligrams of caffeine in green tea and 47 milligrams of caffeine in black tea. Some people may drink tea and feel more alert than coffee because it contains caffeine that gradually acts but lasts longer compared to coffee making them feel more alert but lasts for a short time.

2. Fizzy Drinks

It may seem unbelievable that some people feel alert after drinking a fizzy drink. Fizzy drinks do not contain only a high content of sugar but also contain caffeine around 40 to 45 milligrams. Although there is not much caffeine in it, if you drink a lot per day, there is also a chance that you will get more caffeine than the amount your body needs and other diseases may follow such as sugar-related diseases.

3. Cocoa and Chocolate

A 162-gram chocolate bar contains between 45 and 59 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the intensity of cocoa because cocoa itself is a component of chocolate. Cocoa is also considered to contain caffeine because cocoa is a fruit coffee in the same family of coffee. There are 20 milligrams of caffeine in cocoa or chocolate drinks depending on the concentration of cocoa but may contain less than a chocolate bar because it may be diluted by milk.

4. Painkiller

Some painkillers also contain caffeine even if they are not food. In two tablets of painkillers, the amount of caffeine is up to 130 milligrams. The reason why a painkiller has caffeine in it is because caffeine is effective in suppressing pain, but it must be taken only in amounts prescribed by pharmacists and doctors. If taken more than the amount the body needs frequently, it may also be very bad. Therefore, medication should not be taken without the doctor’s advice.

5. Energy drinks

The amount of caffeine in energy drinks reaches 80 milligrams since energy drinks are being produced to keep the body awake. Therefore, the energy drink is a small bottle but contains a high caffeine content. In addition, some brands of energy drinks contain a lot of sugar. If you drink too much, it may cause heart tremors.

Consuming the right amount of caffeine will awaken the body. If taken too much, it is bad for the body because excessive stimulation causes insomnia, dizziness, and headaches. Consuming a large amount of caffeine over a long period can cause caffeine addiction that affects blood pressure. Therefore, in one day, caffeine should not be taken too much. It is good to avoid consuming it to have better health.

References from
matichonacademy ///  question.in.th

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Picture of ACU PAY Thailand

ACU PAY Thailand


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