
What is P.N.D. 94 and how is it different from P.N.D. 90?

Office workers or full-time staff might be familiar with P.N.D. 90 and P.N.D. 91 but how P.N.D. 94 is different from those two mentioned before. Why does anyone who has supplementary jobs or online merchants need to pay? Today, ACU PAY will summarize the differences between P.N.D. 90 and P.N.D. 94. Let’s get to understand it together!

The recycling business brace for impact. The government banned plastic debris imports.

In February 2023 when the Cabinet resolved to ban imports of plastic debris from overseas markets after 2025, the government will continue to ease the import of plastic debris in duty-free zones, especially industrial plants that use plastic debris as raw materials for export as specified by the government. Including the import of plastic debris in general areas in case there is no domestic plastic debris or insufficient amount to be used as raw materials only during 2023 and 2024 before all imports of plastic debris are lifted in 2025.

Let’s get to know marketing in the past before it became digital marketing.

Let’s learn about market evolution from the past to the present. What is its background and how has it changed? The market segmentation is based on books that are very talked about in the marketing industry like Marketing 5.0 by Philip Kotler and two other writers, Hermawan Kartajaya and Ivan Setiawan, to review the marketing history and evolution of each period. The summary is summarized as follows:

How is ChatGPT beneficial to businesses?

A lot of people might be excited because of the ChatGPT in 2023, a smart chatbot that can do almost anything as we order it to do. Everyone agrees that ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence that is similar to human intelligence whether responding to email, coding, thinking of advertising, or even writing a novel using natural expressions like humans wrote themselves. Today, ACU PAY will introduce this artificial intelligence and the benefits of it to businesses.