7 most popular Thai dishes and be famous abroad!
Our Thai dishes are a delight to many foreigners with the unique taste, delicate cooking methods, and the ingredients used in making them must be especially attentive. These are the charms of Thai dishes that people around the world love. Today, ACU PAY will give examples of Thai dishes that are famous abroad. Let’s go.
Pad Thai
5 Posture to say goodbye to double chin to have a slim face!
V-Shape face is a dream face for many girls but the chubby fat under our chin or called double chin make girls worry. Today, ACU PAY would recommend 5 poses for you to say goodbye to your double chin and have a slim face.
7 ways to save electricity bills in the summer to calm you down and cool your pockets.
Not only does your body feel hot in the summer but also your mind gets hot due to the high electricity bill at the end of the month. Today, ACU will share some tips to save the electricity bills.